Tata Motors reports

Tata Motors Stock Analysis & Financial Reports Discover in-depth Tata Motors stock analysis and detailed **financial reports** to help you make informed investment decisions. Get the latest updates on **Tata Motors share price**, **quarterly results**, and annual performance. Tata motors Reports



Tata Motors Group is a leading global automobile manufacturer. Part of the illustrious multi-national conglomerate, the Tata group, it offers a wide and diverse portfolio of cars, sports utility vehicles, trucks, buses and defence vehicles to the world.

It has operations in India, the UK, South Korea, South Africa, China, Brazil, Austria and Slovakia through a strong global network of subsidiaries, associate companies and Joint Ventures (JVs), including Jaguar Land Rover in the UK and Tata Daewoo in South Korea

Quarterly P&L Report Consolidated Figures in Rs. Crores

Profit & Loss

Consolidated figures in Rs.(crores)


ShareHolding Pattern